Safety and Health Policy
In all of its operations, P.G. Simon is guided by an established Safety and Health Policy. This policy is based on a sincere desire to eliminate personal injuries, occupational illness and damage to equipment and property, as well as to protect the general public whenever and wherever the public comes in contact with, or is affected by the corporation’s work.
Corporate management and field supervision are charged with the responsibility for planning safety into each work task and for preventing the occurrence of incidents and/or controlling conditions/actions that could lead to occupational injury or illness. While the ultimate success of a safety and health program depends upon the full cooperation of each individual employee, it is management’s responsibility to see that safety and health rules and procedures are established and enforced, and to see that effective training programs are employed to the best advantage.
Never should safety be sacrificed for production. It must be considered an integral part of quality control, cost reduction and job efficiency. Every supervisor will be held accountable for the safety performance demonstrated by the employees under his or her supervision.
P.G. Simon has achieved an outstanding record in the safety field and is proud of its achievements in accident prevention. However, even though we believe our program to be most effective, we also recognize that as long as any possibility exists for even one person to suffer injury or illness, we must continue to stress safety and health and to strive for improvement.
Our goal is the total elimination of accidents from our operations. There are three sound reasons for this goal:

- No endeavor is worthy if it should cause human suffering through disabling injury or loss of life.
- A good safety and health record reflects the superior quality of management and the work force. It also serves to promote business and thereby contributes to the continuing growth and success of the Corporation.
- Poor accident experience increases costs, and results in a loss of profits.
Our policy is to accomplish work in the safest and healthiest possible manner consistent with good work practices. Management at every level is charged with the task of translating this policy into positive and productive actions.
Philip Simon